Adult League Play

McFetridge Sports Center's Adult Recreational Hockey League is for intermediate players and promotes sportsmanship and fair play for all. Team registration is made by captains only. 


Contact Information

Kevin Jurek, Hockey Coordinator

Email  (773) 478-2609 ext. 227

Game Format

  • Each game will consist of three 15 minute periods.

  • If game ends in tie, a best of 3 shootout will take place. If game remains tied the game will end in a tie.

  • Playoffs - First Round shootout - Semi finals and Finals are 5 minute overtime. 

  • The clock will run in third period if goal differential is 5+

  • Penalties will follow the 2, 4, 5, 10 minute procedure

  • Tie Breakers will be as follows:

    • Most Points

    • Head to Head Wins (If more than 2 teams are tied Head to Head will not be used.)

    • Most Regulation Wins

    • Least Goals Against

    • Most Goals For

General Rules

  • All players must register with USA Hockey.

  • All players will be required to sign in and present an ID at the front desk before each game, failure to do so will result in a Minor penalty

  • The league will follow USA Hockey's new standard of play and rules enforcement. To learn about this please visit the link at WWW.USAHOCKEY.COM

  • Fighting will not be tolerated. A THREE Game suspension will be issued to the instigator of a fight. A second fighting penalty will result in automatic suspension for that player from all ice house leagues for that season and possibly beyond.  The player who fights BUT was not the instigator may face the same punishment if the game officials deem his response overly aggressive. DO NOT FIGHT

  • A game ejection will be assessed on a player whose conduct is deemed detrimental to the safety of other players or a travesty of the game. A game ejection does not entail an additional game suspension. It is a method by which an individual can be removed from a game in order to diffuse a potentially dangerous situation.

  • If a player receives 4 penalties in a game that player is ejected from that game with no additional suspension. No player needs to serve that minor penalty, but the team will play shorthanded.  Double minors and misconducts count towards the total.  Delayed penalties resulting in a goal will still be recorded.

  • A major penalty (5 minutes on the clock) will be assessed for any DELIBARATE infraction that results in an injury or is determined by an official to be so violent that  minor is deemed insufficient.

  • A game misconduct will be issued concurrently with any major penalty. A game misconduct entails a suspension from Ice House league play in all divisions until the conclusion of the next game played in the division in which the suspension was issued. If a player plays in multiple divisions that player may miss multiple games. If you are suspended on Monday you cannot play on Tuesday.

  • Teams do not have to put any one in the penalty box to serve a major penalty. The team will play with 4 skaters for the duration of the penalty and a fifth skater will come off the bench after the major expires.

  • If a goaltender receives a game misconduct the officials can decide if he is to be dismissed from the game. If the officials believe that the goaltender was not the INSTIGATOR and is of no further threat he may remain in goal for the good of the game. 5 minutes will go on the clock and the goaltender will be suspended for the next game.

  • If a player drops his/her gloves or removes his/her helmet in preparation for an altercation, that player will receive at least a game ejection even if there is no altercation.

  • Any player who skates under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be ejected immediately and face supplementary discipline, which may include expulsion. For safety's sake, players are urged to make officials aware of these situations.

  • If a player is removed from a game that player is not to return to the arena for any reason. The player is to either remain in the locker room or leave the building. Failure to comply can only result in further disciplinary action.

  • A suspended player is not allowed on the bench for any reason

  • The league office will review repeat offenders and assess additional suspensions or expulsion if necessary.


DIVISION 1 1ST FACEWASH 1 10 2 1 1 22 96 43  
  2ND MOOSE 9 6 0 0 18 83 68  
  3RD THE PONY 7 3 1 2 17 61 56  
  4TH HABS 6 6 0 0 13 78 80  
  5TH PWC 1 15 0 0 2 64 138  
DIVISION 2 1ST MAPLEWOOD 12 5 0 0 24 92 56  
  2ND THE BOOZERS 12 3 0 0 24 81 37  
  3RD FACEWASH 2 6 11 0 0` 12 53 76  
  4TH GOOSE ISLAND 5 10 0 1 11 70 87  
  5TH LOS DINOSAURS 5 10 0 0 10 62 80  
DIVISION 3 1ST VERTEX 11 4 0 0 22 72 52  
  2ND WORMS 8 5 1 0 17 57 41  
  3RD IGNOTZ 7 7 0 0 14 48 55  
  4TH PUCKS & REC 5 7 2 2 14 39 41  
  5TH FACEWASH 3 5 6 2 1 13 42 44  
  6TH NINE INCH WHALES 4 7 1 1 10 32 55  
    AS OF 3/21/25                


Suspended Player Date Suspended
Enrique Cortazar 1-31-22