Class Make Up Policy
Attendance will be taken each class and make up classes are not permitted.
McFetridge Sports Center offers tennis programming for both youth, adults, and seniors of all skill levels. In addition to class sessions, we offer drop-in days for different tennis skill levels.
USTA’s 10 and under program uses three different colored balls with different compressions, the red ball, the orange ball and the green ball. The names of the programs reflect the ball that the class will be using.
Pee Wee
Age: 4-6 years old
This introductory program is for children 4-6 years old. Once a child is 6 years old they will progress by skill level through the age of 10 years old.
Red Ball 1
Age: 7-10 years old
This program is for beginners and focuses on the ABC’s along with stroke development. The program is played with the 10 and under small nets on a short court (36’x18’).
Red Ball 2
Age: 5-10 years old
This program is a continuation of Red Ball 1 and focuses on the ABC’s along with stroke development. The program is played with the 10 and under small nets on a short court (36’x18’) and a red felt ball. A prerequisite is required to register for this class.
Orange Ball 1
Age: 5-10 years old
This program focuses on stroke development and introduces participants to point play, utilizing the orange ball which bounces higher than the red ball. This program is played on a 60’x21’ court hitting over the regulation net. A prerequisite is required to register for this class.
Orange Ball 2
Age: 5-10 years old
This program is a continuation of Orange Ball 1 and focuses on stroke development and point and match play is reinforced. Partipants use the orange ball which bounces higher than the red ball. This program is played on a 60’x21’ court hitting over the regulation net. A prerequisite is required to register for this class.
Green Ball 1
Age: 5-10 years old
This program focuses on consistency with stroke development with emphasis on developing consistent strokes along with point and match play. Patrons play on a full-size court over the regulation net with a green dot ball. The green dot ball bounces higher than the orange ball. Patrons must be able to rally on a full-size court. A prerequisite is required to register for this class.
Green Ball 2
Age: 5-10 years old
This program is a continuation of Green Ball 1 and focuses on consistency with stroke development with emphasis on developing consistent strokes, along with point and match play. Patrons play on a full-size court over the regulation net with a green dot ball which bounces higher than the orange ball. Patrons must be able to rally on a full size court. A prerequisite is required to register for this class.
A child has to have a prerequisite in the computer system that allows the child to move up in the program. Each child is evaluated week 6 of each 8 week session. The instructor will inform the child/parent what level he/she can register for the following session.
Please check your park district account for what level you have been approved for prior to registration date. If you have any questions regarding your prerequisite level or changes in the program, please contact the Tennis Coordinator, Lynn Rau: LRau@mcfetridgesportscenter.net (773) 478-2609.
We offer tennis programming for youth and teens.
Youth (10-13 years old)
Offering tennis programming for youth ages 10-13 years old for skill levels 1-5.
Teen (13-18 years old)
Offering tennis programming for teens ages 13-18 years old for skill levels 1-4.
Junior Development: Future Stars
Junior development Future Stars is designed for kids who have begun to play tournaments or are showing a strong interest in playing tournaments. The program will work on fine tuning techniques, introduce self starting drills, enhance footwork, work on consistency, and develop,"thinking" rather than "reacting" during point play. The child must be able to maintain a rally, with spin and proper basic form.
Junior Development: Super Excellence
Junior development Super Excellence is designed for kids who are tournament level players. This program focuses on self starting drills, advanced footwork and stances, improvement and consistency with stroke development, maintaining spin and shot location, strategy, and better decision making, "thinking" rather than"reacting" during point play . The kids receive 3 hours of practice hitting with instruction.
We offer tennis programming and workshops for adults and seniors.
Cardio - Medium Impact
Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate full body, calorie burning workout. Participants must know how to play tennis at a level 3 or higher. Medium impact/recreational includes games and point play.
Cardio - High Impact
Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate full body, calorie burning workout. Participants must know how to play tennis at a level 3 or higher. High Impact/Intensive cardio focuses on heavy footwork and cardiac drills.
Adult Level 1-5
See the below level descriptions to determine the best class or program for you.
Senior Round Robin
Doubles Play. Online Registration is Required.
Day: Mondays and Wednesdays
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Cost: $10
McFetridge Sports Center offers tennis programming by skill level. Review the levels below to determine the be class for you.
Level 1
This player is a true beginner. The player is learning the technical aspect of the strokes and is not comfortable with the contact point, spin, and placement of the ball. This player is learning the proper footwork, lacks direction, and is not playing out points.
Level 2
This player is fairly consistent when hitting medium-paced shots, but is not comfortable with all strokes and lacks accuracy when trying for directional control, depth, pace or altering distance of shots. Most common doubles formation is one up, one back. At this level a player must be able to hit a forehand, a backhand, serve in the box, slice on at least one wing and hit an overhead, even if it’s not powerful.
Potential limitations: inconsistency when applying or handling pace; difficulty handling shots outside of their strike zone; can be uncomfortable at the net.
Level 3
This player has dependable strokes with directional control and the ability to alter depth of shots on both forehand and backhand sides during moderately paced play. This player also has the ability to use lobs, overheads, approach shots, and volleys with success. This player occasionally forces errors when serving. Points may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident. At this level a player must have both topspin and underspin in their arsenal, have one strong serve and place the second in somehow, lob aggressively and be aggressive coming to the net and have finishing points at net.
Potential strengths: dependable second serve; recognizes opportunities to finish points.
Level 3 Workshop
This player has consistently mastered skills outlined in Level 3 but has also mastered 'Potential strengths' section outlined in Level 3 and progressing towards becoming a Level 4 player.
Level 4
This player can vary the use of pace and spins, has effective court coverage, can control depth of shots, and is able to develop game plans according to strengths and weaknesses. This player can hit the first serve with power and accuracy and can place the second serve. This player tends to over hit on difficult shots. Aggressive net play is common in doubles. At this point the player must understand doubles formations, most grips used, have strong doubles strategies from baseline and from the net, have a drop shot and be comfortable with overheads. A strong passing shot and a dipper is not required but it would definitely point to the fact that they are at the right level.
Potential strengths: points are frequently won off the serve or return of serve; able to offset weaknesses; may have a weapon around which their game can be built.
Level 4 Workshop
This player has consistently mastered skills outlined in Level 4 but has also mastered 'Potential strengths' outlined in Level 4 (w/lean towards 2 potential weapons as this level may have Level 5 type) and potentially may exceed a Level 4 Player and progressing towards becoming a Level 5 player.
Level 5
This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which a game may be structured. This player can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls and can put away volleys, can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes and has good depth and spins on most second serves.
Potential strengths: dependable and aggressive second serve; offensive baseline and net game; ability to alter game plan during the match to attack opponents' weaknesses.
Level 4/5 Workshop
This player has consistently mastered skills outlined in Level 4 Workshop but has also mastered skills outlined in Level 5.
Attendance will be taken each class and make up classes are not permitted.